O.K. so call me crazy but I have been wanting to do something special for all of my blog and facebook followers! So, here is the deal: Spend $30.00 in my TpT store after the 28% TpT Cyber Sale discount and I will send you my brand new 121 page Winter Animal Unit for free. Currently listed for $8.00 it includes 10 complete centers you won't want to miss this winter!Here are a few pictures from my New Winter Animal Unit. Use this link to go directly to this unit. Winter Animals Unit Link I will need an email that can recieve and open a 150mb pdf via dropbox. You can leave your email below with a comment letting me know you have purchased and what name you use on TpT. You can send me a private message on facebook www.facebook.com/thecrazyprekclassroom) with the same information or send me an email at this address: thecrazyprekclassroom@gmail.com Thank you for your purchases, following, comments and freindship! Christine
This blog is changing to thekindergartenlife.com, any link you click will take you to the new blog or TPT under the-kindergarten-life.