We all know that February is Dental health month and as I sit here eating ice cream with candy topping I am reminded that I need to start planning for some dental health activities. Here is what I have come up with. 1. Soak a hardboiled egg in cocacola and have the students brush the stain off, remind them of how important it is to brush everyday or else they get stained. 2. Use floss to create art, dip in glue and shape as you wish. 3. Get a supply of toothbrushes and let the children paint with them. If you tilt the toothbrush with bristles up towards the paper and run your finger through the bristles you get a splatter effect and the kids love it. 4. Create a tooth pattern. Outline with glue and glitter, don't shake off the excess. Allow to dry. Place the tooth on a tray and have the children brush it off. 5. Use teeth patterns to create a read the room activity and staple a few together to create a book that the children can record their words in. My TpT ...
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