Hello All, I have just reduced all of my theme units to $5.00 or less on TpT!!!!! As a way of saying thank you to all of you wonderful teachers out there! I thought a little extra savings and the ability to stock up on theme specfic resources would get your school year rolling in the right direction. This is not a sale I will leave these and all future theme units I make at $5.00 or less with the exception of mega units and combo units. Please visit my store to check out everything from Farm to Hibernation to Ocean and more! Thank you for investing in our young children! TPT STORE LINK And don't forget to download all of my great freebies! Please leave feedback and follow my blog and store. Till next time, Christine
This blog is changing to thekindergartenlife.com, any link you click will take you to the new blog or TPT under the-kindergarten-life.