Hello Everyone, Sorry that it has been so long since my last post but inservice and the first three days of school have kept me quite busy! I am so excited to share some pictures from my classroom with you. The church that I share space with has been very generous in what they are allowing us to do in our classrooms this year. Now my classroom feels like home and has everything I could ever wish for! I have included pictures of my white board decor, bulletin boards, job chart, behavior chart, chalkboard easel (painting easel with chalkboard paint), monkey and bananas counting display, calendar, classroom rules and more. The images in the calendar set, rules set, job chart and behavior chart are all available for purchase in my TpT store along with a free Jungle themed noise level chart. I hope these images will give you some ideas for your own classroom. Till next time! Christine You can find my Jungle calendar set, job chart, supply labels ...
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