When I think about the word bundle I think about the cold winter and being all curled up under blankets on the couch watching a good movie. For Drew however being all bundled up on the couch is not possible, he is spending his winter days in the hospital. Drew was diagnosed with Juvenial Rheumatoid Arthritis a couple of years ago and when he got strep last year it went to his brain causing intense pain, pressure and an inability to walk. The Doctors have tried everything and Drew was able to live at a tolerable pain level for a while. Now he is back in the hospital in a great deal of pain awaiting a much needed surgery on his brain. Because this surgery has never been performed on a child the families insurance has denied coverage. The Dr. has waived his fee however the family is still looking at $20,000.00+ out of pocket. This surgery is a last resort to try to get Drew a pain free, normal childhood. http://i1311.photobucket.com/albums/s677/prekchristine/drew2-001_zpse0ad3925.jpg I ...
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