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Showing posts from July, 2017

Differentiated Read the Room: Ideas for learning and a freebie!

         Read the room is an excellent center activity! I use read the room almost daily in my classroom for literacy, vocabulary, letter recognition, spelling patterns and much more! I have created a bundle of read the room activities that are differentiated in order to meet the needs of all of your students no matter what level they are on. I am a firm believer in making my classroom an environment where all children are successful and feel confident in their learning. Differentiation is just one way to help those children who may be behind or even ahead to grow and flourish in the classroom. The goal is the same: learning, irregardless of where we start we want children to learn at a pace that does not frustrate and overwhelm.      My Differentiated Read the Room Files contain 3 sets of picture cards. One set has the entire word printed with the picture, the 2nd set only has the target vowel written under the picture and the 3rd set only ...