Today we had a surprise day with no chairs. Our tables and chairs were moved out of the way from our flower project the day before so I just left them there. I had floor toys out when the children first came to school and had taped bulletin board paper to the floor. After circle time we all gathered around the board paper and created a garden which I will hang on my bulletin board for the rest of the year with the addition of their picture and some embelishments. I will post pictures of that when I am finished with it.

It happened to be a rain day so we spent our playtime completing our garden and completing a plant parts worksheet on the carpet. We used our clipboards and yes this involved glue and scissors. I am lucky enough to have a class that can handle those tools properly on the carpet.
After lunch we had or Math groups so while I was working with one group the other children completed a read the room activity quietly and once they were finished worked on their seat work while playing on the floor. The children were so well behaved and I know why! They moved all day! Without sitting in chairs the children were free to move and sit in positions that were comfortable for them. This day encompassed the entie brain with movement, visuals and auditory aspects. Chilren who have the chance to move often in the classroom are more successful and have less behavior issues. This is whyso many elementay school teachers are ading stretch breaks and brain breaks to their daily routines. They gve 2-3 mintes but get much more teaching done. So while there is time that we musthave children sit in chairs I would encourage you to try a day without chairs and see the reslts for yourself. I know I will be doing this much more often! Til next time, Christine

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